“Get off my property!” Every teenager in this particular Akron, Ohio, neighborhood knew that when they walked home from school, four-year-old Diane Bakos would be on the street corner, vociferously protecting her turf. That attitude seems to have carried through to the present day, where - as an actor - she’s often cast as a power player, a shark of a lawyer, a judge, or that boss haranguing her employees for not meeting her unreachable standards. In short, someone who stands her ground.
Still, she does possess another, softer side. Her only son is the love of her life. But she’s welcomed many young people into her world, both in helping raise a family member’s children, as well as through foreign exchange programs and local groups like Big Brother/Big Sister. She’s a total pushover for puppies, but cares for all animals. Her family just shrugs now when they watch her rescuing earthworms from sidewalks and streets after heavy rains. Diane has often played the understanding therapist, the caring physician, or the mother around whom the whole family revolves, none of which has been a stretch.
It was the thrill of being challenged under pressure that made Diane well-suited for her previous career in broadcast news. She started out as a “weather girl,” steadily worked her way up to reporter, then anchor, was a talk-show host in more than twenty markets across the country, and served as on-camera talent and/or producer at varying times for ABC News Washington, PBS Washington, and NBC affiliates nationwide. She honed the ability to speak to virtually anyone, anywhere, about anything. She was invited to join the Advance Team of the Vice President of the United States, and accepted the position of Media Coordinator, traveling the country and working as liaison between VPOTUS, Secret Service, and local campaign offices and their minions.
The focus on acting came about when Diane became a mom, then a divorcee and caretaker for her mother, who was in her own right a Drama Queen. (Seriously. Her mother had majored in Theater, and the two of them went after stage and screen together. “Grammy” still books at 87.) Diane has appeared in more than 30 regional and national TV commercials, including PreserVision and Colonial Penn. She played a news anchor on the pilot of Sigourney Weaver’s Political Animals, and has been the lead in indie films The Last Fishing Trip, The Retailer, and more.
Diane Bakos is based in the greater New York City area and has a valid passport, a packed bag, and her TSA Pre-Check code ready at all times.
Diane is afraid of heights, hates being cold, but –at age 55 – tried downhill skiing and fell in love. A broken shoulder almost ruined the relationship, but she and the mountain made amends.
As an exchange student in Turkey after high school, Diane lived with a family, became fluent in Turkish (still knows a smattering) and gained 15 pounds. She learned the language primarily through days spent at the local pool, where the water polo team members taught her every bad word they could think of. They found it hilarious. Her Turkish host family did not.
She competed in roller skating at the national level, qualifying in both compulsory figures and dance.
She joined the track team while at The University of Virginia, always coming in last during practice distance runs.
She learned to drive stick shift in a Volkswagen bus with three siblings in the back, screaming and begging their mother to let them out of the car.
She can recite all 50 states in alphabetical order in 30 seconds or less.
She spent an evening in December of 2003 celebrating the Christmas holiday at the house of the Vice President of the United States, even taking photographs with the VP and his wife in front of their Christmas tree.
While working as background in It’s Complicated, Diane sat about 10 feet behind Meryl Streep in a restaurant scene with Alex Baldwin and the rest of their screen “family.” At one point, Ms. Streep turned around, looked Diane directly in the eye, and simply stared. Then she turned back and did the scene. Nothing happened. But it was very odd. And kind of cool.
Diane has written and self-published two children’s books, wrote the lyrics to one independently-produced country song, and has penned and sent the lyrics for another to a musician friend for consideration. He hasn’t yet responded. She will harass him until he does.
One of her favorite ways to relax is in her 14’ Necky Looksha kayak in the middle of a lake, eating snacks.
She was a cheerleader at Waynesboro Area Senior High School in Pennsylvania, even though she was never able to perfect even a cartwheel. Fortunately, she made up for her lack of physical skills with her tremendous vocal volume.
"What if the only thing holding you back…were everything you believe to be true?"
"Most people don’t know that there are angels whose only job is to make sure you don't get too comfortable and fall asleep and miss your life."